Come read the (in)sane ramblings of a 20-something who has nothing better to do than (in)sanely ramble! There's also stuff about hermit crabs.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Princess Dee's Shiny Shindig

Mike, Melz, Bec and Jackson at the BBQ.

There goes February. Crazy, hey? So where did I leave you guys last time? Ah… yes, I remember. Well Melz had a b’day – her 26th to be exact. She had a BBQ at the yacht club on Saturday 11th, which was a nice casual night. Damian came down from Sydney on the Friday mornin’ (don’t worry Damian I won’t mention how you missed your plane…again! Ooops… did I just type that?). I kept him up late the Friday night after I got home from Cadets. I swear, he must have been extremely tired ‘cause it was prolly the first time I’ve had a philosophical conversation with him where everythin’ he said actually made sense, and… I was able to argue back. I figure he was so exhausted he couldn’t be bothered trying to be cryptic to confuse me. Our discussion raised an interesting point, which I’ll come back to later, ‘cause this post is meant to be about Melz’s b’day.

So, to continue… Mum, Dad and Simon came down the Saturday night. It was good to have the whole family there – been a while since that were the case. Too bad Simon was dog-tired from cycling, playing cricket and NOT EATING! Pah! *shakes fist at Simon’s stupidity* I thought he would know better. Luckily we had enough food to feed him for a week! I don’t know how much Melz spent, but put it this way, we were eating cold snags, chicken and burgers for the rest of the week – and then there’s the leftovers in the freezer! And how could I forget the box of fruit Dad brought down!

Anyway, Melz seemed to have a good night. Unfortunately the camera battery died, right after I took two photos – so they’re all I’ve got. Bec has some more on her phone, but we won’t be able to get them until Melz’s phone gets fixed. Technology, eh?

Being the fantastic sister that I am, I got Melz… nothing! I didn’t even bake a cake, or cook tea or anything in fact. Thoughtful aren’t I? She did get some nice stuff off her mates – thank god for friends, she says. Actually, she’s meant to be choosin’ her pressie, it’s too gorram bad she’s so fussy! I mean, a wok is a wok, is it not?

Right now we are ‘sposed to be at the supermarket doin’ grocery shoppin’ so we can actually eat! (Melz may be able to survive on coke and toast, but I cannot!) I started writin’ this post because she said she wanted to finish the chapter in her book before we went. That was an hour ago and the chapter only had a bout four pages left. I thought I was the slow reader! ‘Xcuse me while I go give her a good boot up the a@#!

Oops! I forgot to mention that we went to the Rodeo last Saturday night and then out dancin’. Yes, I actually went out dancin’! Sadly, we missed the riding at the rodeo, ‘cause I was too busy drinking beers and playin’ pool at the tennis club. But we got to see one of the bands, and they weren’t half bad. Well, that’s comin’ from someone who has at least some appreciation of country rock music. I can’t speak for Melz, of course. If you wanna see the sexy pic of us two ready to head on over to the twist and shout, then you'll have to check it out in flickr, 'cause I've tried to post it here and it keeps goin' all blurry on me... which ain't entirely good lookin'.


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