Come read the (in)sane ramblings of a 20-something who has nothing better to do than (in)sanely ramble! There's also stuff about hermit crabs.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Being in church the other day reminded me of why I actively choose not to go to church anymore. I don’t want to offend the person who I was going to church for, but I have to say something about the priest’s sermon. Overall, it was a beautiful service that I’m sure did justice to the man it was dedicated to, however I was a bit put off by the priest’s assertion that our main purpose in life should be to get into heaven. I found what he was saying about God to be arrogant and exclusive. I can’t remember the exact wording but I think it was along the lines of 'God will only accept those who devote their lives to him'. It all seemed a bit fascist to me. I know that’s a strong term, but that’s how it came across.

Anyone been to church lately? Anyone got any views on this topic? I don’t diss religion, or belief. I think it’s important to have something to believe. But I disagree with the manipulation, forceful conversion and misleading that goes on within the institution that is the church. To me religion is about treating others as you would like to be treated yourself. Actually, the priest mentioned something at some stage about living for the benefit of others. I think it was the only part of his sermon I understood. To me, that’s what religion and life should be about. Isn’t pleasing others the greatest source of happiness? What are your thoughts?


Blogger Vicky said...

See, I keep on meaning to go to church more often but then the weekend comes and I have stuff on and I forget and then I feel guilty because I promised myself I would go more... religion makes me feel guilty. Having said that I like going to Evensong, especially at Westminster Abbey. You don't actually get a sermon, it's mostly singing and then someone reads a passage from the Bible. That's nice... plus you get into Westminster Abbey for free and that's very pretty and well worth doing...

9:33 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree
Once religion became instituitionalised it became a very powerful tool, which is used to control and manipulate the masses- be they christians, muslims, hindus etc.

religion has developed as another weapon for political gain and power.

It is no longer a system of faith & worship but rather a means to control, financial gain & political power.

6:57 pm

Blogger D. said...

Anonymous hit the nail on the head, but I don't think the problem is religion per se, Its the institutions, the actual 'church' regardless of its religion.

Why does religion need a church anyway? If religion is about belief, reflection and seeking forgiveness from an almighty being, why can't you do it at the foot of your bed and why does the church feel the need to propogate this belief? To help others? Bah - what gives them the power to judge others?

8:31 pm

Blogger D. said...

There must be some new virus going roung or soemthing... blogblock I think it should be called - hardly anybody has posted for the month of July - its like tax time is jsut a vaccum for thinking.

6:29 pm

Blogger Rhian said...

Hey there everybody,

Just want to say hi and apologise for not blogging of late. I've been pretty busy with life and work and the rest. Plus we haven't had an internet connection lately. There will be more updates soon, hopefully. So keep checkin in and commenting!


10:42 pm

Blogger Vicky said...

Life... what is this life you speak of? Also I've been regularly updating MY blog ... I have to much time on my hands... :-(

1:01 am

Blogger Rhian said...

I noticed that SBSIL... I couldn't keep up with it all.

If you have too much time on your hands why not start an extra-curricular activity, such as... tennis! :)

7:38 pm

Blogger Vicky said...

TENNIS? I don't think they'd let me do that when I was supposed to be working! Or would they....?
I noticed something odd on your blog the other day when I was looking at some pics... you have a pic of Blake with you and in it he looks a bit like Steven... are you secretly dating my brother?

2:16 am

Blogger Rhian said...

Hmm... I'm not sure which pic that is SBSIL, but lemme just say - even tho my sister is my best mate, and an inspiration to me I try NOT to follow in her footsteps when it comes to dating!

No offence Steven (or Mat!).

7:17 pm

Blogger Vicky said...

Just thought I'd check! Was making sure Dee's tendancy to hook up with friend's brothers didn't run in the family! ;-)
The pic is on your blog - he is poking his tongue out. I have a similar photo of Steven doing the same thing (although it is not as hilarious as the photo of me strangling him)

8:01 pm

Blogger Rhian said...

Fortunately most of my friends don't have brothers... they have sisters! I could start a new trend... :)

Sorry, but I don't see the resemblance at all - I s'pose it would depend on the particular photo you are talking about.

10:06 am

Blogger Vicky said...

Maybe you don't want to see it... ot maybe it's just me. Maybe I've forgotten what Steven looks like.

6:01 pm


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