Come read the (in)sane ramblings of a 20-something who has nothing better to do than (in)sanely ramble! There's also stuff about hermit crabs.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Busy Little Bee

Well it’s been a busy two weeks since I last posted on here. Sorry to leave you all in the lurch. I realise I’ve been pretty slack with emails lately too, sorry bout that. Gotta get my priorities right! Anyways, things have been full on in life at the mo. Last weekend was cadets Friday night, followed by a Farscape sesh with Ruth. I didn’t last very long, but I think she was glad to have Ben to herself, although judging by the kicks I received she wasn’t too happy that I fell asleep on the couch!

On Saturday Ruth endured the very unpleasant activity of accompanying me as I shopped for an outfit. I don’t think she will ever do that again. We won tennis, just. I think it was five games the difference or something. Saturday night Blake & I went on a double, or rather triple date, with Tan and her friend Justin and Justin’s cousin Leah and her partner. We went to the Barking Dog for dinner and then back to Tan’s for some drinks.

Stayed out at Blake’s place Saturday night. He is currently living on his Pop’s 400 acre farm in Moddewarre. For those of you who don’t know, Moddewarre (pronounced Moddaworry) it’s kinda between Geelong and Anglesea or Geelong and Colac. Didn’t get to see much of the farm as it was dark when we got there and we had to leave pretty much straight after we got up on Sunday, but I s’pose there will be time for that this weekend.

On Sunday I sacrificed picking Melz up at the airport and went to Kay and Darrell’s housewarming BBQ instead. Melz wasn’t very happy bout that, but she got over it. The BBQ was a load of fun, most of the people there were from the tennis club, which was fantastic. They are such a supportive group of people. It really is like having a second family. Stayed at the BBQ fairly late and had quite a few drinks (well I had a few drinks, Blake was driving). I think we stayed until the last five people or so. Went home, copped the flak from Melz, which was probably deserved, and got ready for another week of work.

The week went fairly smoothly. I won’t bore you with the details about work and besides I could be here for hours if I started on that. Both Melz and Blake had to ease their way back into their jobs. Melz after two weeks in Thailand, Blake after three weeks holiday. I guess they both coped okay.

This weekend was another busy one - I’m about ready to curl into a ball and crash. Friday night was cadets, as usual. Found out that our cadet leader Leon is the Uncle of the girl whose 21st Blake and I went to last night. Yesterday Melz and I spent about six hours at the shops getting an outfit for said semi-formal 21st . I didn’t play tennis as we have four ladies and it was my week out. Also, it meant we had more time for shopping – which we all know I love and adore! :) Uh huh!

So, last night we went to Ruth’s party at The Cremorne, where we had a lovely dinner, before heading off to the 21st. It was a great night. I met heaps of people - all of Blake’s sort of extended family. They are friends of his parents who have known each other for some twenty or maybe even thirty years or so and many of their kids grew up together. I even ran into some people I knew, including Leon and his wife Helen.

Today Blake drove Melz, Mat and myself up to Melbourne for Mother’s Day. We spent the afternoon at Nan’s with Mum, Dad, Nan, Russell, Jenny, Andrew, Jessica and Leigh. It was a really nice, lazy way to spend the day in the company of family, eating, chatting and then walking off all the food.

Tonight I’m exhausted and may even be in bed before midnight – amazing! Another long, boring week of work ahead, but who knows what it will hold. More social activities this weekend – Blake’s organising a bonfire party at the farm for Saturday, plus there is the usual tennis, cadets etc. Melz will be sailing to Apollo Bay and back on Saturday, so I think she will be recovering all day Sunday, as she is already a little sick.

So that has been my life is the last two weeks… sorry it’s written in such a rush. Just wanted to fill you all in, hope life is treatin’ you as kindly as it is me at the mo. All of you take care and keep smilin’.

Pics up when I figure out what's happenin with blogger. Cheers!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey groover!

I won't start with usual apologies for how long it's been since I've checked out your blog/got in touch with you! But it's great to see that you're so busy - you're really active in a lot of things by the sounds of it, cadets, St Johns, tennis....I think it's great!

I have to say I've been cruising along at a nice pace lately, busy enough but not out of control. I'd like to keep it that way by design, but sometimes things get hectic. i don't mind those periods, in fact I think I'm about to enter one very soon!

I am actually heading off to Port Hedland on Wednesday!! See, there is this Land USe Master Plan process underway up there, basically to revitalise the town a little, plan for all the different land usees (duh) in a complementary way and basically make it a more vibrant, liveable place. It's basically to redevelop Port Hedland and contribute to the overall improvement of the town. A Steering Group has been set up to oversee the process, and I have to go up there to run the next meeting! Craig can't make it and there's basically no one else. BHP Billiton and Mirvac Fini (property developers who we work with) are partners in the process as well, it's pretty exciting all up!

I have never run a meeting all on my own, so I'm a little nervous, but not too much. The main reason is I haven't had much to do with this project yet, but I've got enough context to get by. Phew! That was a rather long and convoluted, it's hard to break these things down sometimes!

Unfortunately I won't get to have a look around at the town - go and visit our old haunts like the Cooke Point caravan park or Pretty Pool 'beach'! I'm basically flying up Wednesday night then back Thursday morning. Hopefully there'll be a next time, so I can go for a bit of a drive and reminisce. It's hard to believe it was 13 years ago that we lived there, hey, sometimes it seems like a lot less. It's a pity to think as well that the high school my dad started (the reason we moved) has since closed.

So that's the big piece of work this week, with all the prep and follow-up that comes with that. We also have a steady stream of workshops with Pilbara Iron (who are part of Rio Tinto), that's keeping us pretty busy at the moment, looking at all manner of things from climate change strategy to water management to mine closure.

Isaac is going well, he's in the process of thinking about future careers actually. He's decided he doesn't want to stay in the defence force forever, so we're just working through some of the possible avenues. It's not like he's thinking of getting out in the next 12 months or anything, it's more likely to be within the next five years. But while he's doing shift work and stuff, he might as well make the most of any spare time and perhaps put it into some study, be it uni, tafe or otherwise.

Ok I need you to fill me in on something - who's Blake? Is he a friend/boyfriend/new flatmate? I have to be careful what I say here! You might have mentioned it in an earlier post, I don't know to be honest! Just sounds like someone you've been spending a bit of time with lately.

Mothers Day yesterday - just did the usual and went round to see the folks, it was alright. I actually woke up feeling like I had a hangover, even though that wasn't a possibility! Basically I felt like shit, so spent most of the day curled up with a magazine!

Mate, I better get back to work, great to hear things are going well, sounds like you need to put the brakes on a little though! Hey, by the way, I never contributed to your 'I believe...' thingy (I had a quick flick through some of the earlier posts before I wrote this). Great question, I'll give you mine now - I firmly believe we are all responsible for our own actions. You can't always control or choose what's going on around you (sometimes you can have a major influence, other times shit just happens), but you can choose how you deal with it/react to it. I do try to think about and incorporate this most days, though I can't always say I live up to it! Sometimes you just get more satisfaction from cracking the shits! :) But all in all, that's my big belief.

Cheers big ears,

Love Michelle

PS I just realised how long this is, crikey! I hope you're still awake! :)

3:37 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Michelle!

Great to see you on here again. Thanks for droppin' by - it means a lot to me. Sounds like you're enjoyin' things in life at the mo, which is fantastic.

Wow! Pt Hedland, what a place hey? :) I can’t believe it’s been 13 years! I have some great memories from there, mostly revolving around Pretty Pool and you. Sometimes it seems so close but other times it seems like a completely different world we were living in. Enjoy your blast to the past!

It’s great to see that you have so much passion for you job. It’s something that I think is sadly lacking in a lot of us. But you have always seemed like a highly motivated person who follows through with your choices. You’ll do fine at the meeting – for sure.

I totally agree with your belief in taking responsibility for our actions. I think it’s one of the hardest principles to follow in life, ‘cause as you say, sometimes it’s easier just to blame it on someone else or deny it or chuck the shits or whatever. I’m still having difficulty with the concept and prolly will for a long time. But I s’pose the first step is recognising there’s a problem.

The other night when I read your comment I was trying to figure out how long you and Isaac have been together. It must be four or five years now right? It seems like you’ve been together forever. How’s living together goin’ and how are the dogs?

To answer your question, Blake is my boyfriend. I know, I know – shock, horror! I have a guy in my life. I hope I didn’t give anyone a heart attack or anything! :) We’ve been seeing each other since Easter, pretty much. It’s all very exciting. Blake plays tennis for the same club as me, although he’s in a way higher section. His Dad, Peter, and I play in the same team – we’re actually mixed partners! Blake’s an absolute gentleman. :)

On that note I should probably finish up. Thanks again for commenting. It’s so good to hear from you. Hope your folks and all the sisters are well. Any new nieces or nephews on the horizon? We have just been blessed with a new cousin, on my Dad’s side. A little boy. Nan is pushin’ for great grankids already! I told her she should harass Damian, he’s the Casanova!

Anyways, catch ya later, keep up the good work. Love ya, Rhian.

10:30 pm

Blogger Vicky said...

My little Rhian...

Spending all your time with the new b/f it seems... good for you. Nothing really new with me, except I just spent the week with Jas. It was good but a little weird... mostly because we were in London. It's hard to believe we used to have those crazy Geelong days... my how things change.
Anyway catching up with Ms Passmore was good even if I did manage to get a version of the "contiki cough" - very unpleasant. I haven't managed to shake it yet and I have to go back to work on Monday. The weather here is miserable and Richard has abandoned me... to go get me a donut. I still have goold ole Bryan though, he'll never abandon me - all he wants is me! Well that's what he is saying anyway.
Well better go find out what the plan is for tonight... I'd rather stay in bed but there's smoe people I want to catch up with... *sigh*

Talk soon -

V aka "Lexi"

Ps: How are Bo and RDA?

1:09 am

Blogger D. said...

Wow - Port hedland is getting a makeover - about time!

I can't believe the highschool has closed down! Not that I ever went to the highschool, but I always seemed to hang out there.

Haha just had a flash back of Demelza and Dale 'baby blue eyes'. Where was Simon the whole time? He seems to be missing from the picture a bit. Didn't Anne-marie come visit us in Port Hedland? And who the hell ws supposed to be looking after us!? Hehe, sorry mum!

Hi Michelle - sounds like one high powered job you have. If you hear any tidbits from the big fellas at BHP or Rio about any new uranium or nickel deposits be sure to let us know hey ;).

5:16 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damian, shame on you for not remembering Rhians stint as a sexy two-up casino girl, and those concerts in annemarees honour in the cwa house!
Simon was busy doing his distant ed and riding his bike to the supermarket (bi-lo i think) earning pocket money ( so that, according to him , we could pay you guys YOUR pocket money, and then , according to YOU GUYS he used his extortionist racket to get it back off you!)
demelza and dale - created quite a few headaches for dad - mr mcmanus had a 'hands off policy " at the school and many the time dad had to 'reprimand' the TWO d's for not keeping their hands to themselves!
i noticed on the news the other day the old detention center is now called an immigration accomodation centre?
did they build a new high school michelle or close the other because it want viable?

6:28 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

well your certainly a busy little bee or is life so dull theres nothing worthy to add?

do you realise how i so look forward to delving into the blog underworld at the end of the working day?

even simon mananged an email to say that his has new address and his web page is now running properly (could that be cos i bagged him about it last time i tried a d&m?)

6:48 pm

Blogger Rhian said...

I apologise Mother, that I haven't had time to update. I was planning on doing so this mornin', but may run out of time. Sorry, your life is obviously so bereft of excitement that you have to rely on my blog! Wow, that's really sad. :)

Check out Damian's site if you want constant updates and interesting stuff, he's been updating almost once a day lately. Go Damo!

Promise there will be an update soon, it is the start of a new month, afterall.


10:25 am


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