It’s… It’s…

[cue trumpet music]
Rhian Fuller’s Domestic Circus! (Otherwise known as the adventures of Rick, Bo, Ni and me – for those of you who know what the hesmana I’m talking about.)
Part One: You’re no fun anymore.
Apparently, now that I’m working, I’m no fun anymore. Well at least that’s what my beloved Rick, Bo and… well Ni doesn’t tell me because Ni can’t talk (although he does kinda clack his claws together as if to say that I’m no fun anymore).
Anyways, because of my lack of fun-ness the three of them decided to sail off around the Atlantic aboard the Sea Shepherd ship Farley Mowat, for a few weeks. Which left me in peace and quiet. It was nice, but I gotta admit I kinda missed the toddler tantrums and the grumpy old man gripes, not to mention Ni’s crabbiness (haw, haw… hilarious ain’t I?).
They had a great time standing on ice caps waving flags. Bo has inherited her father’s love of furry seals and blubbery whales – not to mention hermit crabs. As far as I can tell, Ni did nothing but play poker in the ship’s hold Casino. I think he may have a gambling problem, but that’s between me and the rest of you guys. Ok? Peachy.
Things will be getting’ wild this wkend as it is Bo’s fourth b’day tomorrow! Four! Good lord she’s growin’. Rick has big ideas for the day which may or may not include – a bike ride, lots of red jelly, mini-golf, a silly walk parade, magnets, blue kiwifruit, huggin’ tigers at the sanctuary, and a Spanish inquisition (which nobody will expect). And then there’s the mega party from beyond the moon that he has planned. There’s goin’ to be masks and juggling and a jumping castle in the back yard! I swear he spoils that girl.
Since I’m no fun anymore I’ve decided to take Bo to the hairdressers for her b’day. Exciting eh? If I’m feelin’ generous I might even buy her a turtle ice-cream! Bo has invited all her friends from the Heroic Trio to her party as well as a number of seals she met on the ice, and possibly a big honkin’ whale (I’m lookin’ forward to see how he will go no the jumpin’ castle). She’s incredible that kid – she’ll talk to anybody…
More news on the domestic front as soon as I recover from the b’day shindig. Wish me luck.
After reading that I first thought "hmm i need to go to the toilet then maybe get something to eat'. But then it hit me. I WANT CRABS. so cute. if only they came with coasters.
10:53 am
Aaah, Ni, the crazy adventures he gets up to... and Bo, she's growing up fast isn't she.
I say, however, who needs fun when you can be writing the next episode of THT!
6:54 pm
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