Come read the (in)sane ramblings of a 20-something who has nothing better to do than (in)sanely ramble! There's also stuff about hermit crabs.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Ze Meanin' of Life

It’s a hot and balmy Friday night in Autumn. I’ve just returned home from work and Cadets. It’s been a long, icky day, not to mention the week, and I have an even busier weekend lined up (gotta be at the hall at 5.30am morrow). But I’m sitting in my room writing, a can of beer and a packet of chips beside me (healthy, I know), music playin’ (Patty Smith) and the window open with a nice cool evening breeze drifting through. Now, that’s the meaning of life!

Okay, okay, let me explain this post. Damian and I were talking about philosophy and shit when he came to stay. And surprise, surprise, like any philosophical discussion we got onto the meaning of life. To cut a long story short – he decided he would want to know the meaning of life. He would want to know his purpose in life so that he could achieve that purpose and then go on to do other things, or something along those lines… (I’m sure he will get on here and clarify my interpretation of his POV).

I didn’t decide anything (big news there), but I did sorta come to the conclusion that I wouldn’t want to know the meaning of life, ‘cause then it would either be too boring, or too linear, if you like. If you knew the purpose or goal then you would do everything to achieve that and you’d miss a helluva lotta other stuff along the way, if that makes sense. Also, if you didn’t achieve what you were meant to achieve, imagine the sense of failure you would suffer!

The other thing is… I don’t know for sure of course, but maybe there is no larger, all encompassing meaning to life. I find that if I achieve something, anything, in a single moment then that gives meaning to my life. This is rather awkward to explain. Basically, if you live life by each moment then you can achieve your purpose from moment to moment. It doesn’t read well, I know. For example, I have many goals/purposes at work from moment to moment. Part of it is customer service. So, if in one moment I can make a customer happy by giving them what they need/want, then to me that’s the meaning of life - accomplished. It’s not a very good example. Maybe you guys can come up with something better.

Anyway, the point of this post is to get your response. What do you think? Would you want to know the meaning of life? Or would you rather live in blissful uncertainty? I would love to hear what you have to say on this matter. As Damian and I agreed - all questions, discussions, everything at some stage returns to this very issue – the meaning of life. Why are we so obsessed with it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I believe that we all have some sort of purpose in life, and some people find out what it is and others never do. I do not want to be told my meaning in life, I want to try and figure it out on my own!! However I don't think it can be classified as just something we are meant to do - it could be someone we are supposed to help, or some small role we need to play. Therefore more often than not we don't know what our meaning is and maybe its better that way, because if we did know then we might change it somehow!!
I think that to achieve the meaning of life (for ourselves) we need to live a life not filled with regrets, and be happy with who we are and achieve as much as we can - in whatever way that is. My achievements are to travel as much as I can, have a job I love, be surrounded by wonderful friends, find someone who makes me laugh and understands me,to always love my family (even if they drive me crazy) as well as helping stop cruelty to animals. Of course I have a few of these things already and I cherish them immensly - especially my wonderful friends :o)

Ok well it is always great to hear what comes out of that wonderful brain of yours Rhian!!
Miss you guys heaps!!
Love Smin
Wow this is a long comment!!

6:24 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah yes, far be it for rhian to shy away from the big issues... here i am dealing with 'the meaning of life' on a sunny, casual visit to a blog site!

i've just been watching rove live and it would seem the meaning of life is deceptively clear, according to network ten. shannon noll is telling me 'i gotta lift'. funky promo's are telling me to 'be spontaneous' (hence this post), and meanwhile, the ads are telling me i need to buy 'FAMOUS' to see first pics of mischa barton's baby bump.

go figure :)

11:01 pm

Blogger D. said...

I never thought lyndon would be one to lsiten to advertising, and yet we all do... somewhere in the dark deep recesses of our mind!

Just want to clarrify one small thing - I would not want to be told my meaning in life - because that would mean I would forever go about questioning the authority of the person who told me what my meaning was... I'd like to know it... but how do we know anything? (Hehe see for the answers!)

Eg. I'm sure some parents try to impose a meaning of life on their children at some stage (heaven forbid - not that heaven is an authority figure! Man you have to be so careful what you say these days!).

Anyway - plenty of research suggests people are much more motivated when they have a set of goals and objectives to work toward. Some evidence suggests that the more objectives achieved, the harder the next set of objectives needs to be to induce motivation. Optimum motivation is achieved with challenging yet achievable goals and objectives.

Even more research conclusively indicates that objectives need to be measureable to be motivational (Measureable is factor of achievable. if you can't measure it how do you know you have achieved it?).

So I guess you could say that if you know your meaning in life, (and can measure it), then you must have achieved all your other objectives. Why? Because achieving your meaning in life by a priori reasoning must be the hardest objective and hence most motivational objective possible.

5:57 pm

Blogger D. said...

Too add quotes etcd to your side bar - just look at the other stuff in your side bar, find out what is common to them, assume this is necessary for the proper operation of the sidebar, copy and past it (the stuff which is common to all sections of your sidebar) then add whatever you like...

Very quick html tips can be found by typing html tips into a google search bar found anywhere good books and milk are sold.

4:36 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The meaning/purpose/aim of life is to reproduce i.e to continue the evolution of the species.We eat and drink to survive and to give us the energy and health to procreate.We learn and study and as a result[hopefully] make money and gain power to improve our chances of attracting the "best" of the opposite sex so that our offspring are "superior"and can continue the process.
When we deny the natural meaning of life we seek substitutes or alternatives. Females become carers i.e teachers or nurses etc they need to "mother"someone or something, it may even be their pet dog.Males continue to seek a repository for their seed to be fertilised, they need to "father"something.They have to continually prove themselves[money,power,war,sport]in the hope of attracting a female willing to procreate.Then comes the boasting. Think gorilla beating chest.
All other aspects of life are subsidiary.

11:53 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the meaning of our life is to produce offspring and make ourselves more attractive to the opposite sex in the hopes of creating superior offspring then I think that it is a very bleak meaning of life, no matter how true it may be!!

What about the meaning of life being to make a difference in world, such as finding the cure for cancer or creating renewable fuel sources and fixing the greenhouse effect!! Surely that is more meaningful then just eating, sleep and procreating!!

Or the meaning of life could be to have fun and enrich others lives through art, music, books or movies!!

I for one don't think that my purpose in life is to become a baby factory!!

Aristotle may have been right when it comes to the purpose of society as a whole, but I wonder if he factored in the individual and the idea of choice!! Many people choose or cannot have children, so where would that leave them in accordance with Aristotles meaning of life theory?

Although far be it for me to question Aristotle :o)

Cheers Smin

10:03 am

Blogger Rhian said...

Hey guys,

Great to see some healthy discussion going on. The fact that we all have different interpretations about the meaning of life suggests that while there may be an underlying majority purpose like the one Aristotle observed, there are always individuals on the fringe who challenge the status quo, as Smin proposes.

Smin: I have always loved your outlook on life – so shiny. You have clear and achievable goals – you know what you want and you generally make sure you get it. You go girl! In terms of the meaning of life though, I tend to look beyond base goals and achievements and think about why we have those dreams and why we so feverishly try to obtain them. What is it about those particular things that drive us?

Last night whilst talking to Aristotle (move over JLH, there’s a new Ghost Whisperer in town!) I think I came to the conclusion that it was about happiness, or call it what you will. Now, happiness is another topic of discussion entirely, but in terms of this forum is it safe to say that we are motivated to do these things because they make us feel good? Like running in a race, for some people (not me – I don’t run), brings joy. Having children and raising them is a sense of elation for others. Helping stop cruelty to animals is another avenue.

Perhaps then the purpose in life is a journey to discover the things that make you happy, and if and when you find them – a test to see if you can maintain that state of happiness.

Lyndon: Man – a very ‘postmodern’ comment from you :) It’s always interesting to hear your perception on pop culture and its role in our lives, considering your media educated background. What you say is so concise and I think it ties in kinda nicely to what Aristotle was trying to say. I know, I know, you’re thinking – what does Channel Ten have to do with procreation? (Hmmm…there’s a link there somewhere)

Truth is, I believe Aristotle was saying (and I’m sure he will return and support his case) that once you strip back all the excessive trash that we have in our lives these days and go back to the primordial bog where we began (well, not if you’re a creationist, but that’s yet another discussion), then you have some very simple, instinctual goals. I think the main one is survival. Procreation is a part of that survival plan. But there are, as Smin stated, always variations on the theme. Especially now as more and more options become available to us.

I do agree with Aristotle, however, that if for some reason we cannot have children or we don’t want to, we seek alternatives. It’s just that in this day and age everything is so far removed from the primordial bog that the true nature of our actions and choices are masked by thousands and thousands of years of fluff.

To come back to what Lyndon was saying – all roads lead to Rome. Meaning everything somehow relates back to our true animal instincts. Now I know some of you will debate this madly, but I’m not saying we’re animals, even though, we are - quite literally. Channel Ten, pop music, advertising and all those agents of media culture are simply perpetuating the ‘standard’ ‘meaning of life’. And in our society there is no denying that the standard is to eat, drink, sleep, build a nest (ie make money and gain possession to attract a mate and make babies) and continue the cycle.

While we might be seeking happiness, happiness in this society is measured by the above things (ie success, money, image, ‘normalcy’ – whatever). Obviously there are other things added on, and again I stress that this is the unavoidable, majority image drummed into us from birth. There are individuals who do not or cannot live according to this image and I say hail the heretics! We can’t all be as strong and as different as them, cause then, well, they wouldn’t be heretics would they?

Shite, this comment is turning into a post on it’s own. Sorry guys, I was never very good at saying what I needed to say in one sentence.

I better leave it at that. Ya’all shout me down now, if you believe otherwise, or even if ya just thinks I’m nutso. Cheers, keep up the good conversation – it’s very stimulating.

7:06 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I am not saying that Aristotle was wrong as I don't think that he was. I agree that if you peel back all the layers on someone, all you are left with is their basic animal instinct. Obviously in some people you don't even need to peel back the layers...
I am just saying that I am not living my life in the pursuit of making babies - it is not even several layers deep!!
However I like the idea that the meaning of life is the pursuit of happiness!! That is def my goal in life :o)

Love Smin

10:06 am

Blogger Rhian said...

Hey again Sminster,

Yeah, you don't need to peel back many layers on me to find the wild beast inside, I'm just right here, roarin' and ready to go! Hee hee :) And I smell like one too!Grrgh... Arrgghhh...

Hmmm... makin' babies. It's somethin' I think about. I mean... not the makin' part... um... the havin' and raisin' part! Ack! You get my drift! *digs hole deeper*

I love kids. Truly. They are just fascinating to observe. And I would love to have 'em, but I don't think I ever will. Only because I don't think I'd ever trust myself to bring up a child - I mean, what the hesmana would I teach a little-un? How to bludge your life away? Good-on.

Also, maybe it's a selfish thing but raisin' a child is time consuming. Rght Mum, right Dad? I mean it's a 24/7 job. There's too little time for me to waste on bringing up some snotty nosed shit.

Not to mention the fact that the human race will survive without my offspring. And, I do love people, but I think us good old homo sapiens need a kick in the head sometimes. My protest is to not help with the population growth thingy. Wow, revolutionary ain't I?

Anyway, enuf verbal diarrohea. It's a Friday night, for cyrin' out loud. St Pat's in fact. What the frell am I doin' on the computer? Gotta go out, like everyone else. Go join the meat market!

'Ave a good wkend, ya'all.

8:15 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The question that pops into my head from reading all this is Why do we have to have a meaning of life at all? Is it so difficult to just accept that some things just are and that there doesn't have to be an explanation or deeper meaning behind them. Life is life. We exist. I don't see why we have to justify our existance by a meaning of life. To be honest until this debate was raised in my lounge room I hadn't even spent a micron of time on the concept that there was a greater meaning to life. And if there was then I don't believe it would consist of any one thing that would be way to limiting. Which kind of brings me back to the concept that there doesn't need to be a meaning. Even happiness. So what once you've acheived it then the meaning in life is over so what we give up and cease to exist? Or survival - we find out were not the strongest or smartest so there's everychance that we aren't goin to survive so our life's meaning is over!

Why query it, just take it on faith that we exist and then one day we die.

8:15 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

24/7 - you wish
snotty nosed - you bet
bludger - you said it
wild beast - your really just a pussy in disguise
reason for my existence - god help me ( and the world!) if thats true

i exist therefore i have meaning & purpose, whether that is creative or destuctive is determined by genetics and environment.

7:50 pm

Blogger D. said...

Actually... the only person who has come close to logicaly argeuing that we actually exist... based it on the fact that we think...

"cogito ergo sum" I think therefore I exist. Not all things that exist have purpose or meaning. Why would it be any different for humans?

8:35 pm

Blogger D. said...

Very Post Modern Demelza... If life doesn't have meaning then why is murder such a bad thing? Why don't we take all that money we spend on keeping old people alive, and spend it on kids 0-4 in disadvantage households? Or why don't we take all the money provided (indirectly/directly) given to people with aids and use it to prevent the spread of aids?

8:40 pm

Blogger Rhian said...

I wouldn't call it post-modern, I'd call it the 'easy option'. In fact, it sounds very similar to a girl I once knew who used to just apathetically pronounce 'I don't care' when somethin' complex arose.

Melz, you have been hanging around me too long!

8:15 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree Rhian!! I think that it is an extremely depressing thought to just think that we exist and then we die!!
Whilst I don't really spend much time thinking about the meaning of my life, I do believe that there is more to life than just existing!!
I like to have meaning and purpose in my life and even if it is just the purpose to be happy and not live a life of regrets then thats still way better than just existing!!
In fact there are way better things like...going on holidays!! Like the awesome one I am going on in 2 weeks and 2 days!!
I say less talk about the meaning of life and more living life!! I can't wait to hear a new Blog from Rhian. Hint, hint!! :o)

4:00 pm

Blogger Rhian said...

Your wish is my command Smin-meister! Behold... new blogs.

Love ya

8:32 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because there doesn't have to be a greater overall meaning to life does not mean that life does not have value. As such Murder is wrong...because that life had value to the person whose it was and also to the people connected to it.

The idea that we should spend less on keeping old people alive and on preventing disease is brilliant - why aren't we doing this? The answer again comes back to the value of life...not the meaning of it. The lives of elderly people or ill people still have value to someone, so we try to keep that continueing for them.

Having meaning and purpose in ones life is different to having an overall meaning of life...well to me anyway. I have concepts or things that provide my life with meaning and purpose, much the same as what has previously been discussed, happiness, fun, holidays, achievements etc. But these provide meaning and purpose to my life they are not THE meaning of my life because I would still live and have life without them.

7:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I think the meaning of life might involve French Onion Dip... but then that's just me!

6:40 pm


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