How to defend yourself against a man armed with a banana.
Right then, now that I have your attention...
Our weekly meetings/training sessions for St John started for the year a coupla weeks ago, so that has been keeping me busy. On top of the Monday night adults and Friday night cadet meetings I went in for a coupla Wednesday nights to help Leon do some electrical work on the hall, as we have been getting some renovations done. I was also sorting out cadet stuff and helping Ruth with stores for our new custom made cupboards, which look mighty spiffy. Tomorrow is our AGM, which should be a tonne of fun. Much voting and stuff will take place.
Cadets have been continuing with their boating badge, which has been great. Today a group of us went on the ferry from Queenscliffe to Sorrento. It’s the first time I’ve been on the ferry, and I wasn’t expecting it to be so big. I don’t know what I was thinking, but the only ferry I can remember goin’ on was the one in Goolwa. Remember that Mum, Dad and the rest of the mob? It was one of those tiny platform ferries that only fit about three cars on it and ran along some kinda cable. Can you imagine crossin’ the bay on one of them? *shakes fist at own stupidity*
Anyway, it was a good day. We only spent a short time in Sorrento, eating lunch and goin’ through some boating theory. I took a few photos cause I’m hopin’ to get a cadet newsletter happenin’ and thought some shots might be nice. I’m not sure if I’m allowed to post pics of the cadets on here, so I’ll just post some of these funky lookin’ fishin’ boats I saw at the Queenscliffe port. I’ve never seen squid boats like this before, well not that I can remember. I thought they were very interestin’ lookin’ with all the globes runnin' along the side. They would look mad all lit up. Hope you can see it clearly enough in the shot. For some reason, blogger is makin' my pics look blurry. If you want a better image, try going to flickr, by clickin' on the photos in the little flash square on the sidebar of my site.

I’ve been on a coupla duties the last few weeks. Did a stint at the huge lifesaving championships they have on here at the moment – Rescue 2006. I did a coupla hours at an open water swim they held at Eastern Beach, in Geelong. It’s an international competition, so there were lifesavers from South Africa, Japan, Egypt… even Scandinavia, only I can’t remember which country exactly. We had two of the cadets on duty that day too, so it worked well – we just got them to treat all the casualties. And they did an excellent job.
Also went out to Avalon Speedway last night after tennis, but unfortunately it got cancelled. So I missed arvo tea and drinks at the club afterwards – for nuthin’! Aw well, soon got over that as Ruth and I ordered pasta, came home and watched Farscape for the rest of the night! So, it turned out quite well, although I would have liked to spend the time with my team, drowning our sorrows after our defeat. Plus – free pool!
Next week I'll be helpin' Leon with more theory sessions on Wednesay night and might put in some hours at the Queen's Baton relay on Saturday and Meredith Motorbikes on the Sunday.
Well hello my salami-slicing, shoplifter-springing buddy! As you can probably tell, I read your most recent comment and as I scrolled down saw the heading of the previous post, very clever indeed! Sorry it has taken me so long to touch base with you on your new toy. I must admit I had mixed feelings about it to begin with, but I think it's actually really cool and fun, and a great way for your friends who know each other to keep in touch as well. Good idea dude!
I have been busy flying the sustainability flag over here....well, you know, in my own little way. Work is going really well, I have actually been a bit quiet the last few months, but there are a few opportunities on the horizon. It's probably going to be easier to explain them if/when they actually eventuate!! I am also quite actively inovolved in a professionals association I helped set up for people working in or passionate about sustainability in any way, shape or form - the Sustainability Practitioners Association. I have probably told you about it already; I am the Secretary and also manage the website, which is pretty cool. I've actually been getting a bit more cluey on this website stuff of late, it's a good skill to learn I think.
It sounds like you are pretty actively involved in the St John's stuff; sounds like the work takes you to some interesting places around town! And I'm glad to hear things are going well with work. I think I know what you mean about your boss Victor, some of the things you said made me think of my old boss at Red Rooster, who sometimes came across a bit funny or hard on people, but I liked him. If Victor is giving all these extra responsibilities, I'd say he has a lot of faith in you and that you don't need to worry about anything! Except big drunk blokes, that's pretty scary.
We've had bizarro weather over here this summer, it's been fairly mild overall I'd say. We've got a few hot ones in the next few days though!
Isaac is going well, he recently had an operation on his hand to remove a cyst (which he got from punching a punching bag and hitting it awkwardly!). He's not been able to do much and it's his right hand (he's right-handed, of course!) so it's been interesting watching him try to do things with his left hand!
Anyway, I'd better go and start doing some work! I have to write up some notes from our 'marketing session'. We are currently working on a marketing plan for Sustainable Consulting(sounds very important doesn't it?!), which has been a pretty cool learning experience actually. Neither Craig, my boss, nor I (duh) has a marketing background, but we had this girl Claire working for us for a while at the end of last year, who used to be a marketing manager for various companies. So she helped us frame things up. We just gather round a whiteboard every Friday and work our way through things, it's all quite relaxed. So anyway, there's always new things to learn with my job and new stuff going on, I love it.
Take care and thanks for all the updates, it's good to hear what's going on over your side of the country. This journal-style of writing suits you perfectly, I can sense that you are in your element!
Love Michelle
P.S. I'll have to send you some photos of the dogs soon - they're huge! Both going very well, I just love 'em.
11:47 am
Michelle!!!!! :)
Heya, so good to hear from you! Thanx for checkin' out the blog and touchin' base. I was very excited when I saw your name on the comments. I ran around the house screaming "I got a post from Michelle, I got a post from Michelle". Big kid, that I am. :)
Man, sounds like you been mighty busy yourself what with work, your SPA (sorry, I automatically abbreviate everything), Isaac and the dogs. But as long as you're enjoyin' it - I say go for it.
I will have to get in touch, properly, soon and catch up on everything. It seems like ages since I had a good ol' gas bag with ya.
Thanks again for commenting, glad you like the idea! So good to hear from you!!!!! (No amount of exclamation marks can describe the excitement)
Glad to hear you're in good health (apart from Isaac's hand). Hope the fam is doin' okay too.
We're all good.
Better run, dinner is on the table, will speak again soon.
Luv Rhian
10:35 pm
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