Barham 2006 - Saturday

Saturday: Woke about 9ish. Went to markets in Murrumbit (bout 17km’s west of Barham). It was huge – 350 stalls. Felt a little seedy but nothing too bad. After I had my steak sandwich the stomach settled. Tried to sleep in the afternoon for an hour but couldn’t – can you believe it? Nobody else was interested in a walk so I went by myself and bumped into Glen, Norma and George. Sue and the boys were sleepin’ so Glen said he’d accompany me along the river, up to the lake and back. When I got back some of them were keen for a hit so I quickly changed into my tennis gear. We all went out to the courts to put our names down for Sunday’s doubles and a couple of us had a hit. It was good to get some practice in on the grass. It’s a totally different game on grass.
Saturday night we went to the pub again, it was a great little place and the staff seemed to know a lot of the regular Newcomb crowd (some of them have been going to Barham for 30 years). It was so lovely to be a part of that. Leah, Blake, Mel and I played pool. Leah and I got our butts kicked. Then Blake and Mel got challenged for the table and they kept on winning! Most of the others moved on to the club for the band at about 9pm, but the three of us stayed behind to keep the challenges going. We ended up staying till closing. I was the cheer squad, drinks girl and jukebox girl. It was a helluva lot of fun. Met some interesting drunks. I also made a little ten year old friend, Jordan. I let her choose a song from the jukebox, and I didn’t know at the time but she was also from the tennis tournament. For the rest of the weekend she was asking me to hit with her, which was cute. I’m such a big kid.

Melanie & Blake playin' pool at the Barham pub.
The band on Saturday night were awesome. We kept gettin’ txt’s from Tan sayin’ “get your butts over here”. We made it for the last set, which was pretty cool. The lead singer was lively; he got off the stage and wandered round the crowd gettin’ people to sing into the mike. The girls decided after the weekend that they were gonna become groupies. They found out where the band was from and where they play. They are gonna organise a road trip for one of their gigs. So we danced and drank and had a merry old time.
We had some visitors at the apartment that night – three guys from the club who had been dancin’ around the girls since before we had got there. They decided they were gonna keep Mel, Blake and I awake like we did the night before. Since Blake was sleepin’ in the lounge we suggested (actually I think it was Mel who suggested it – good call Mel) he put his mattress in between our beds so he could actually get some sleep. In the end, we went to sleep about the same time as the others anyway – around 3am.
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