Come read the (in)sane ramblings of a 20-something who has nothing better to do than (in)sanely ramble! There's also stuff about hermit crabs.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Barham 2006 - Tuesday

Tuesday: Got up nice and early, again – it’s funny what the bush air does to ya. Walked Mel to the bus stop which was only a coupla blocks away from the apartments. Mel caught the bus back to Bendigo at 7.10am. It was sad to see her go after such a great weekend, the first time we’ve spent good quality time together in ages. I went for a bit more of a stroll, knowing nobody would be up yet and finally made my way back to the apartments.

Packed all my shit together and tried to tidy up a little. Blake cooked breakfast – again (seriously spoilt) and we said our goodbyes (until today when we would all see each other again). I got a lift back with Cecille, Robyn and Leah, which was really fantastic of them at such short notice. Apparently I took up two luggage spaces too, which was just appalling! We had to shovel some stuff off to Peter to put in his big honkin’ ute.

So, as you can see… I had a wonderful weekend and didn’t want to come home. It was like being on another planet! Work dragged all this week and I was so distracted thinkin’ about the weekend and everything we had done. I was so glad to see Friday arrive.

Today I’m having lunch with Tan, going for a hit of tennis (it’s the first week before the season starts and everyone goes down to the club to find out their teams and play the club championships etc) and maybe going to the movies later on. Tomorrow I might be catchin’ up with Mum, Dad and Nan – they’re comin’ down to Anglesea to see Simon who’s there with friends this weekend. Don’t know what else is happenin’ tomorrow durin’ the day, but at night Mat’s driving Melz and Bec to the airport to fly to Phuket for two weeks and I’ll be going with them (to the airport, not to Thailand).

So that’ll be my weekend, then it’s back to work until next Friday. I don’t have Anzac Day off.

Well, I should probably go now ‘cause I gotta shower, do dishes, all that domestic bliss stuff that I love. Hope you are all well, sorry this is such a long blog but I didn’t wanna leave anything out. Although I probably still did. Anyway, should go. Cheers all – ‘ave a good one! Thanks for hangin’ in the till the end and listenin’ to my dross.


Blogger Mulk said...

create rap music because I've never done disco

11:46 am

Blogger Vicky said...

Don't be sad Rhian... I don't have Anzac Day off either... although that might be because I'm in London. I do however have next Monday off for May Day... I'm praying for some nice weather. The sun keeps coming out, but only briefly.

7:04 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not related at all but I forgot your yahoo address so emails are going to your hotmail address.I figured ya might look here before there.

1:41 pm

Blogger Vicky said...

I say bring on more pics of Blake... not bad Rhian, from what I could see... what does Bo think?

9:21 pm

Blogger D. said...

So Melz, Do I get in on these emails as well?

Sounds like a great weekend. Gota love the country air, right. I know the op end is a logn way away from the lil old river down home, but watched Wolf Creek last night. The australia scenery was the highlight plus the hillarious serial killer who made Steve Irwin look like B grade Sydney celebrity (which he is anyway!)

12:09 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I might come next year just for the dancin.Fruit flies lay their eggs often on damaged parts of fruit in trees or at the bottom of good fruit in the calyx where they have some protection. They then hatch into maggots and eat their way into the middle of fruit.You often cant see their hole into the fruit, often it grows over.They stay inside the fruit until it falls off the tree or is picked and probably discarded because it is rotten.It is notoriously difficult to identify fruit with fruitfly in it because there is no visible sign it rots from the inside out.After falling off the tree or being buried the maggots then often get covered by falling leaves which act as a blanket. they hibernate under their blanket in winter. When the weather heats up in spring they come out of their cocoon and fly away to complete the cycle.
Distiguishing fruit fly;
Rot from inside to out
Rot slimy and stinks
They are maggots not grubs
Most of our other fruit "bugs"are moths/grubs eg oriental fruit moth,codling moth. They cause most of the damage to our fruit crops in Vic.
By the way you didnt have to eat the grapes as you were travelling from Vic to NSW.Its going the other way that matters

1:52 pm

Blogger Rhian said...

Hey guys! Thanks for droppin' in.

SBSIL (sexy blue shamrock in london) it's good to be gettin' so much correspondence from you - you're keepin' me sane girl!

Have a great May day tomorrow, hope the sun shines for you. Bo is thrilled BTW! Now she has two men AND a hermit crab around the house!! :)

Damian - wasn't part of that Wolf Creek filmed around Wilpena Pound? I love that place. Gonna go back someday.

DSE - thank you for that very detailed explanation of maggots and rotten fruit carcasses! Actually that was very helpful. Knew we didn't need to force ourselves to eat the grapes! So silly. Aw well.

5:50 pm


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