Barham 2006 - Sunday

Sunday: Had to wake up bright and early for the day of doubles tennis. All of us bar Melanie and Michelle were playing. Tan was a little worse for wear, which was funny, ‘cause the night before she had been worried about me not being able to play. Actually I think she played the best day of tennis ever! You need to be hungover more often hon!
The level of competition was very even. We were in B Grade and there were two groups - one of four and one of five. We played three sets and the couple with the most games went on to play against the winner of the other group. We were two games from gettin’ into the play-off, so we thought that was pretty good. The weather was perfect for hitting, no breeze and just the right amount of sun. It was great to play on the grass again, although the glutes suffered the next day, especially after having to climb the stairs to the apartment. The others from Newcomb also went really well, I think we had two winners for the day – Mary and Amelia, as well as Glen and Blake.
Sunday night Glen, Peter, Tan and I had a bit more of a hit to warm up for the mixed – Peter and I “finished ‘em off” (hee, hee), which we were pretty proud of. Although I think Tan was completely buggered by then. My new friend Jordan was having a hit too, which was cool. Melanie, Blake and I stayed at the tennis club for the BBQ tea while the others went back to the pub. There was another group of ex-Newcomb players there as well who we were chatting to. They’ve all known Blake since he was a kid, of course. Newcomb is like that, one big happy family. Ended up gettin’ a ride home with them.
Returned to the RSL later on for the band (same one as Saturday night). It wasn’t as packed as the night before and the band took a huge break. But we still got some dancin’ in. Didn’t go to sleep until about 3am again.
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