Princess Jazzy Jaz!
Last week we were honoured with the presence of the mightiest of all majesties - her lady the lovely Jazzy Jaz. We bathed in the glory of her glory, and just generally admired her beauty and wit.
Actually, in the the three or so days we got to share with Princess Jaz - we did much more than that. We did the present thing, shopped, played tennis, BBQed, Baskin & Robbined, Buffyied up, danced and ate lots of lollies! It was a jam packed visit.
Although it was too short we had a wondrous few days, but now it's over and we have only these photo's to cherish the memories! Love you Jasmine! Glad you had a good time. Come back any time.

Princess Jazzy Jaz doin' what she does best - lookin' bootiful!

Ice-cream, ice-cream - we all want ice-cream!
There were no pics of me... AND you didn't wish me a Happy Birthday on your blog ... I feel unloved!
8:23 pm
Thanks for the lovely Blog - it was so sweet!! I had a blast staying with you guys and I hope that I was a good guest!! It was also so awesome to catch up and it felt like it was longer than 3 days - especially as we crammed so much in.
I was glad that we got to go out dancing and play tennis.
I loved meeting Blake, and you two make an wonderful couple. I hope that camp USA works out for both of you.
Good news - Baskin and Robbins has opened up in Darwin, so I will have to go and see if they have turtles.
Thanks for the ride to the airport and you were a really good driver. I had total confidence in your driving and I think that you are so ready to go for your license, but obviously it depends on if you feel ready. I so can't believe that my suitcase was over the limit as I swear I didn't buy that much!!
Everyone loved the ring that I brought and I have decided that it is in celebration to my new job promotion - which also means business cards!! I am totally excited and will def have to give you guys one!!
Ok well hopefully you guys come to Darwin, but if not then i will def be back to Victoria!!
Love Jazzy
1:02 pm
I think Haagen-Daaz could give Baskin and Robbins a run for it's money - but then there are so many fun Baskin and Robbins related memories...
8:30 pm
Hey guys!
Jaz you were a wonderful guest - we love you.And I think you look gorgeous in the photo's - but my fave is def the ice cream one!
Good luck with the turtles! Oh and SBSIL - it HAS to be Baskin & Robbins - because of the memories... and because of the sweet guy in the Geelong shop who remembered Jaz's name after what - two years? He even remembered where she used to work! Jazzy must have been a regular! Ya think?
Thanks for the confidence in my driving - at least some ppl have faith!
Congrats on the job promotion - pls, pls ,pls can I have a Princess Jaz business card? Will it say Princess Jaz on it? It should.
Guess what? I bought a tennis skirt! Agh! I exchanged those shorts that were really see-thru and Melz convinced me to get the skirt. It's really nice but I don't know if I'll wear it - it may end up in Melz's wardrobe.
Catch yaz laters
2:21 pm
Rhian, you had better wear that skirt, as its an incentive for me to come back to Geelong and play tennis with you.
Speaking of tennis, I played so well on Friday. I was making awesome shots and doing a few incredible saves. But towards the end I started to suck. Oh well at least I didn't get the wooden spoon.
Oh Man I didn't think of getting Princess Jazzy on my business cards. Oh well, I will have to get that next time!!
Yeah baby you can drive my car - well not my car as I don't let anyone drive it, but you can drive me anytime - and you can drive me around :o)
I was so with Rhian, Baskin is way better than haagen-Daaz and not just for the memories. I didn't go there that often, he just remembered me, cos I am so adorable and used to talk to them heaps.
True Story.
9:53 am
Hmmm. Fine I shall concede the Baskin and Robbins ice-cream but I still think the lack of pics and birthday wishes for me on your blog needs to be addressed as I still feel unloved. And why does no-one want MY business cards ... or to play tennis with me? Also for the record I'd like to say that once Jasmine ALMOST considered letting me drive her car but then didn't - although that might have not been Fred.
And I say YAT! to the tennis skirt - Jas do you have a similar tiny one I can imagine you in?
10:57 pm
Hey Jaz!
I heard about your torrential rain today! Did you hear bout our bloody power blackouts? Stoopid bloody bushfires!
7:35 pm
I get the message - nobody loves me.
8:58 pm
Yeah I heard about the blackouts, but i thought that it was just Melb. Basically it rains heaps here, then stops, then starts again, then stops, etc. But I still don't think that we will have a cyclone.
Yeah Vicky I do have a tennis skirt - in fact I have 3 (but only cos I brought 2 when I was in Hamilton). Also you forget that you did give me one of your business cards - actually I might still have it?
Thats right I almost let you drive my car cos I had a mirgraine - when we all went to the melb show, but that was cameron, not Fred. I think De drove my car when she was in Darwin, but she could have driven the other car instead.
Rhian I will def have to send you a card - as they just arrived on my desk.
12:47 pm
Vicky - I'm sorry you don't feel the love - but it's there, sugar, it's there.
I don't have any pics of you because I haven't seen you this year! As the post said - it's a pic highlights!
As for your birthday, I'm sorry bout that but I didn't post anyone's b'days for the last few months because I've been busy.
I wasn't gonna make excuses - but there ya go!
I didn't know you had business cards and I would love to play tennis with you, but it could be a lil difficult since you're like, over there and we're like, over here!
Come April and I'll have my mini tennis skirt out ready to whip your arse on the court (and possibly off the court!!)
That is if you still wanna play with me!
Gettin that love vibe now?
10:26 am
The image of you in a mini-skirt makes everything better - I shall be prepared to be whipped! And then some turtles!
9:45 pm
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