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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Michelle & Isaac are engaged!

Congratulations guys!

For those of you who don't know, Michelle has been a great mate of mine from wayyy back in 1993! We met at St Cecilia's Primary School in good old Pt Hedland and continued our friendship through the post after both our familes left the town at the start of '94 (correct me if I'm wrong with the dates). Since then Michelle has been over East to visit during High School and I've dropped in on her a coupla times while over in the West for family functions or simply for a holiday and to catch up with old friends.

Isaac and I met when I was in Perth for the last time. The first impression made a lot of impact. Handsome, funny, charming, creative, strong and sensitive - what more could a girl ask for? Thank you Isaac for giving Michelle the happiness she deserves.

I'm so grateful for the fact that we have kept in contact, even if the "letter" writing has waned since both of us have left school and entered the busy adult world. Michelle has been a rock solid friend from day one. You always make me laugh girl, and give me strength with your unending support and confidence. Isaac is one helluva a lucky guy! I wish you all the happiness in my heart. Cheers! :)


Blogger Vicky said...

Damn It! Everyone in the world is getting married, oh why do they mock me? Damn Richard.

11:59 pm

Blogger Vicky said...

And damn Sean Bean and Gerard Butler too.

12:00 am


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