Not sure if you have all heard of the new cervical cancer vaccine that the government is funding for school aged girls and women up to the age of 26. Some of my friends are getting the injection and I am debating the issue myself.
Apparently the vaccine does not prevent all causes of cervical cancer and only protects against the HPV virus - human papillomavirus. From what I have read, in the most cases our bodies fight off this virus on it's own. It sounds kinda like the cold sore virus.
What gets me is that the vaccine was only created in 2006. How can they possibly have discovered any long term affects? The problem is, the truth about any long term side effects won't come out until... the long term of course. By then it will be too late for some people. On the otherhand, if it's all good, then I miss out on a free vaccination that could save my life!
Here are some basic websites I have found, describing what Gardasil is, possible side effects (although most seem to be side effects to needles, not the vaccine itself) and also a bit about the government's funding.
Encyclopedic information about the vaccine:
Australian Government Funding:
Side effects or over-reactions??:
Interesting points made about the company producing the vaccine:
There's plenty more to be found out there on this vaccine. I intend to do my research before taking the jab. If any of you have any information that you could share with myself and others in regards to this issue, I would love to read it.
Thank you for the websites as I am also debating whether to get the vaccine before I turn 26.
I believe in being immunised, but sometimes it can do more harm than good, so I will def be reading the information on the vaccine before I make up my mind.
11:24 am
There's plenty of info out their Princess Jazzy Jaz. The problem is knowing what info to trust.
9:36 pm
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