Princess Jazzy Jaz!
Last week we were honoured with the presence of the mightiest of all majesties - her lady the lovely Jazzy Jaz. We bathed in the glory of her glory, and just generally admired her beauty and wit.
Actually, in the the three or so days we got to share with Princess Jaz - we did much more than that. We did the present thing, shopped, played tennis, BBQed, Baskin & Robbined, Buffyied up, danced and ate lots of lollies! It was a jam packed visit.
Although it was too short we had a wondrous few days, but now it's over and we have only these photo's to cherish the memories! Love you Jasmine! Glad you had a good time. Come back any time.

Princess Jazzy Jaz doin' what she does best - lookin' bootiful!

Ice-cream, ice-cream - we all want ice-cream!