Friday, June 30, 2006
Important Briefs
26.06.06 Rest in Peace – Dr Noel Coleman (Ruth’s Dad). Our thoughts go to Ruth and her mum Cathy during this shocking time. Ruth, if there is anything at all we can do to help, you know we’re here. Love you.
Birthdays – Emily, Bec and Britt. Best wishes - party hard girls!
Good luck – to the cadets competing on Sunday 02.07.06 in the St John Regional Cadet Comps for drill and First Aid. Go Barwon!
Good luck - to all you business people (including Melz and prolly Damo) rushing to complete end of financial year paperwork/stocktaking etc! Coupla days and it'll be over for another year.
Pumpkin Scones
All of you are probably aware of Dad’s habit of bringing way too much fruit ‘n’ veg with him when he comes to visit. As much as we appreciate the offering, sometimes it goes to waste. So, when he showed up with two huge pumpkins over the Celtic Festival weekend, I decided to do some baking. Thankfully one pumpkin went to Blake, which he cooked into yummy soup. I stuck to what I know best (no, not spag bol) and made some pumpkin scones. Being winter and being a forum for sharing things I decided to post the recipe on the website. It’s pretty simple. The recipe didn’t have sultanas originally; I just threw them in as a bonus. Enjoy!
Pumpkin Scones
60g butter
1 cup cold mashed pumpkin
1 egg
3 cups self raising flour
½ cup sugar
¾ cup of sultanas
Mix butter and sugar to a cream, add egg and pumpkin, then flour and sultanas. If too stiff, add a little milk. Cook as ordinary scones in a hot oven for ten to fifteen minutes.
From: The Weekly Times Pioneer Cookbook
PS – we still have a quarter of a pumpkin left. Any suggestions for a cook-up?
Thursday, June 22, 2006
New Links & Quotes
The blog has been a bit boring lately, as I have been so busy that all I really have time for is summaries of what I’ve been doing. I know some of you aren’t interested in reading about my life all the time and would much rather have some discussion happening. So… I’m attempting to add a bit of zest to the site. Not much, just a little variety.
I’m adding some new links to Vicky and Lexi’s site (more about Lexi later), as well as some links to the websites of a few bands from the Celtic festival. If you are into the likes of U2 or Akka Dakka you should check out the Claymore website. Their music has been described as Celtic rock and well… it’s very rockin’.
For a more folky, bluesy style check out the Jigzag link. These guys weren’t at the festival this year, but Melz and I have enjoyed them the past coupla years. Also, I’m including a link to the National Celtic Festival website, for those of you who might be thinking of signing up for next year.
I’m also changing some of my quotes, so have a peep at those if you’re interested. They’re mostly song lines.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
The month that was May!
Another 30 days has come and gone...
To all those magnificent May babes - Lyndon, Ruth, Jasmine, Melanie and Pauline (I hope I haven't forgotten anyone) - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
WELCOME HOME Jasmine, bet you're glad to be back in the grind, girl!
This May also marked the anniversary of Coburg Pop's passing. May he rest in peace. Love you Pop.
Bendigo was a blast! Thanks Mel for a great time had by all, even if it was cold for you girls walkin' back to the house in your heels! Glad I chose the hikin' boots that night! And commiserations to Lauren for being the one hit on the most by middle-aged "boys".
Ah, the joys of goin' out. Can't wait till they bring in the complete no smoking regulations. There's nothin' like a cigarette burn in your nice outfit, or a throat full of smoke when you're tryin' to dance. Hmm... it sounds like I'm complaining, when actually I had a fantastic time. It's the old age - it makes me cantankerous!
Weekend just gone was relatively quiet for once. Had the usual cadets and tennis, then on Saturday evenin' Mat, Blake, Michelle, Sean, Melz and I had a nice, peaceful home-cooked dinner (Melz made Lasagne after cleanin' the entire house - thanx Melz, you're a champ.)
Slept in Sunday, sort of. Blake took me for a driving lesson in Melz's manual! That was a challenge - for Blake. I can't believe how many times I stalled and bunny hopped (which is appropriate, considerin' the nickname). It was embarassing! Luckily for me, Blake's very patient. I even got a mechanics 101 tute, post lesson, which was intriguing.
Sunday night after grocery shoppin' and pizza for tea we went round to Quinton's place in Highton (?) for drinks and socialising with some of the Johnnies. That was fun, although it would have been better on a Saturday night, Quinton.
This long weekend I'm looking forward to the Celtic Festival. Mum and Dad are volunteering this year, as are Blake and Chloe. We have a unit thingy booked at the Caravan Park and all is set for a big one. No tennis - just drinkin', irish jiggin' and bag pipe playin'.
Enjoy yourselves over the public holiday, take care and keep in touch.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Melanie's 25th

Jacqui & Lauren
Cowboy shots!
Lucy & Mel
Aleisha captivating us all with her stories! Oh, and cake!
A picture says a thousand words, or whatever that cliche is! I will post something a little more detailed than this about our weekend in Bendigo, promise. It was a fab night, as it always is with you Mel! *big hug* You're the greatest. Thanks Lauren for the photos, they're awesome. And Happy Birthday Mel! More on this later. Laters.