Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Michelle & Isaac are engaged!
For those of you who don't know, Michelle has been a great mate of mine from wayyy back in 1993! We met at St Cecilia's Primary School in good old Pt Hedland and continued our friendship through the post after both our familes left the town at the start of '94 (correct me if I'm wrong with the dates). Since then Michelle has been over East to visit during High School and I've dropped in on her a coupla times while over in the West for family functions or simply for a holiday and to catch up with old friends.
Isaac and I met when I was in Perth for the last time. The first impression made a lot of impact. Handsome, funny, charming, creative, strong and sensitive - what more could a girl ask for? Thank you Isaac for giving Michelle the happiness she deserves.
I'm so grateful for the fact that we have kept in contact, even if the "letter" writing has waned since both of us have left school and entered the busy adult world. Michelle has been a rock solid friend from day one. You always make me laugh girl, and give me strength with your unending support and confidence. Isaac is one helluva a lucky guy! I wish you all the happiness in my heart. Cheers! :)
Monday, October 09, 2006
Tree Huggers!
All wrapped up and ready to grow!
Blake did most of the work, as you can see by the pics. I was assigned chief photographer, dog handler, wood grub rescuer and site overseer! Very important roles in their own right. :) Actually I did some digging, sheep manure spreading and watering. It was loads of fun. I've never actually planted a tree before - so there ya go. First time for everything.
Later, when we went on a water run, I got to reverse the car all the way up the hill, for practice. I could do it easy lookin' over my shoulder, but when I did it the second time using the mirrors only - I went all over the place! The rear view still confuses me (look out if you're on the roads!).
Overrall it was a very enjoyable arvo. It took us a fair while as we were walking from one end of the line of trees to the other and had to go down the hill to the farm for water a couple of times, but it didn't matter. We had a ball. And the earth is better for it... so who can complain? Breathe easy folks, there are two new trees savin our skins! Hee hee. Love ya's - hug a tree. :)
Note: I had wayyy more pics than this, but for some reason blogger is not lettin' me post them. So you'll just have to go to Flickr if you want more shots! Sorry guys, I spent ages tryin' to make it work, but alas!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Recently Mum and Dad went up to Sydney for lil Mitchell Fuller’s christening. Mitchell is Joe and Melissa’s son and the youngest of the Fullers. According to the olds the weekend was very enjoyable and one of those rare occasions where all Dad’s siblings were in the one place at the one time! Of course, that calls for photos. They'd look wonderful if that lout with the mo got rid of the handlebars! Hee hee. Love you Dad.
Thanks to Anne Maree for the pics.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Black and white for a night!
Me, Blake, Melanie and the lovely hostesses - Lauren & Jacqui.
Eeymon, Sarah & Blake doin' the groove thing!

Birthday girls Jacqui & Lauren with their Norwegian exchange student housemate Ann.
Blake & I
Lauren, Ann, Mel, Eeymon, Daniel, Moi & Blake.
Thanks to birthday girls Lauren and her housemate Jacqui, we all had a heffa mongous night at 16 Puerta St, Burwood on Saturday 30th September. It was great to see everyone dressed up in their best black and white frocks. Costume pieces ranged from suits to lab coats, white platforms to fluffy moccies, angel wings to feather boas and press hats to decorative head pieces. Everyone looked fabulous.
So - happy birthday to Lauren and Jacqui and congratulations for pulling off such an entertaining party - glad we could be there to share it. Also – happy birthday to Simon (he and Lauren were born on the same day) and a big shout out to Lyndon for lunch Sunday – it was great to see you man!