As technology and transport have advanced it has become easier for us to access info and experience other worlds and cultures. People used to view overseas travel as a once in a lifetime opportunity – just look at the reasons some of Australia’s young men during WWI and WWII joined the fight in the first place.
Now overseas travel is factored into the “great Australian dream” – finish school, go to Uni or get a job or travel, build a career, travel, buy a home, get married, have a family, travel, retire, travel etc. Even family holidays have been extended from the annual trip to Qld to the annual trip to Bali or Fiji.
So, what I want to know is – why do we travel? Initially, and still to some extent, I think people travelled not only for the recreation but also to experience different ways of living. Now, because it’s becoming easier, “everyone” is doing it. My thoughts are that the reason some people travel overseas these days is to “keep up with the Jones’”. It is becoming a status thing.
Another reason some of us travel is to find the “answers”. The knowledge, awareness and experience that we gain from travel probably do provide the tools with which we can try and figure out those answers, but I’ve come to realise we won’t ever find the answers. We need to make peace with that fact.
Despite this revelation however, I’ve also decided that a) the answers are inside of us, b) if a) is true then we don’t need to travel, we can search within ourselves at any time, in any place. I know it sounds like I’ve found God, or Buddha or somethin’, but actually making this conclusion didn’t come as easy as getting’ dunked in holy water or shaving my head and chanting.
But back to the main topic – why do we travel? Come on guys, I wanna hear what you have to say ‘bout this. I know you all get around a bit, so let me know what you think.