Happy Birthday Pop!

Today is Coburg Pop’s b’day. Also, it’s actually coming up on a year since he passed away. It’s good to see how Nan has coped in the past months, although it may be tough on her around his anniversary. I know Nan doesn’t read this but I just want to say – Nan you are an amazing person and we all love you very much. Keep smiling and being yourself.
Phew! Okay. Sorry that was a bit heavy to begin with but it was something that I had to say. Right now, I should be doing dishes and drying clothes, but I wanted to get on here and catch up with ya all, considering how preoccupied I’ve been of late. Plus, it’s that time of month when I usually write an update. But I got nothin’! I mean, there’s a lot I could say about my life at the moment, but I don’t think ya all wanna hear that mushy stuff! So I’ll just say that I’ve had a permanent grin on my face for the past week or so – that should tell you enough.
In other non-me-related news, Melz has been in Thailand with Bec since last Sunday and she gets back next Sunday. She is having a great time scuba diving, sunbaking and drinking in the pool at the floating bar or whatever it’s called. Mat has been checking up on me (thanks Mat) and he and his Dad have fixed her car! How sweet is that!
Went to Leah’s place on Friday for her birthday/dinner party and drinks. It was fantastic. She put in SO much effort it was unbelievable. We all had place settings and little pink (of course) gift boxes with home made chocolates and other delights inside. Great job Leah! It was also great to sit around and socialise with the ladies from the tennis club. Such a wonderful and varied bunch of women.
First round of winter comp for tennis was yesterday. We went well. All of the Newcomb teams were home, which was great ‘cause we had a BBQ at the club afterwards. We won on the day by two games. I got two sets – my mixed and my doubles with Mary. Had tea, a few drinks and some games of pool at the club and then headed home. We didn't do much at all today, although I was 'sposed to go to Ballarat with Tanya and the girls. Sorry guys.
The next couple of weekends are going to be extremely busy for me. I think I’ve got things lined up until June… and then some. But it’s gonna be great – wouldn’t have it any other way. Okay… well I’d better go do all that domestic stuff I mentioned previously. Sorry this is so brief and so boring… if you want more juicy details you'll just have to email, or call! :)
Gotta run, love ya’s all. Take care and happy birthday Pop.